OnTheHub Introduction

Edvicon International

Last Update 3 роки тому

About OnTheHub

OnTheHub is dedicated to removing the barriers to education by providing students and faculty with free and discounted software from the world’s leading publishers. By offering products at greatly reduced prices, we’re helping to equip students with the tools they need to succeed.

We’ve partnered with major publishers including Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Symantec, and many more to offer exclusive discounts for schools around the world. With OnTheHub, students and educators save up to 90% on academic software, and can even get products for free!

To see products available to you, search for your school or departmental WebStore through our school finder and start saving!

OnTheHub Benefits

Best Discounts

Providing the best discounts to students and faculty is our top priority. Our partnerships with leading software publishers ensure you get the lowest prices on academic software worldwide.

Guaranteed Security

You can count on us to keep your personal information and data secure. OnTheHub is compliant with all ISO standards, providing safe and legal software distribution.

Student Success

We care about the future of students. That’s why our software discounts, awesome contests, and helpful blog posts are all focused on providing the resources needed for student success.

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